管理番号 | 新品 :16168797 | 発売日 | 2024/11/09 | 定価 | 9,999円 | 型番 | 16168797 | ||
カテゴリ |
Field Theories of Codesed Matter PhysicsEduardo Fradki場の理論を用いた物理を教えくれる良書。トポロジカル絶縁体Presetig the physics of the most challegig problems i codesed matter usig the coceptual framework of quatum field theory, this book is of great iterest to physicists i codesed matter ad high eergy ad strig theorists, as well as mathematicias. Revised ad updated, this secod editio features ew chapters o the reormalizatio group, the Luttiger liquid, gauge theory, topological fluids, topological isulators ad quatum etaglemet. The book begis with the basic cocepts ad tools, developig them gradually to brig readers to the issues curretly faced at the frotiers of research, such as topological phases of matter, quatum ad classical critical pheomea, quatum Hall effects ad supercoductors. Other topics covered iclude oe-dimesioal strogly correlated systems,