管理番号 | 新品 :41699480 | 発売日 | 2025/01/29 | 定価 | 9,000円 | 型番 | 41699480 | ||
カテゴリ |
(Book, 4 audio CDs, 1 mp3 CD)商品の情報出版社Assimil S.A.S. (2015/12/10)発売日2015/12/10言語: 英語・イタリア語ペーパーバック 612ページISBN-102700580761The Assimil method for teachig foreig laguages is through the listeig of audio cd"s ad the readig of a accompayig book, oe side ative laguage, oe side foreig laguage. This method is focused o learig whole seteces, for a orgaic learig of the grammar. It begis with a log passive phase of oly readig ad listeig, ad evetually adds active exercises. Most books cotai aroud 100 lessos, with the active phase startig o Lesso 50. The word Assimil comes from assimilatio. Several differet series are published: With Ease series, which teach basic rules of grammar ad a vocabulary of 2000-3000 words; Perfectioemet series, which teaches more advaced idiosycrasies ad idioms of the target laguage; Busiess series, which focuses o vocabulary related to iteratioal busiess; Idioms series, which teaches commo idioms